Заглавные буквы в английском языке

Заглавные буквы в английском языке используются в следующих случаях:

1. Местоимение I (я):
What can I say?

2. Начало предложения или речи:
The man arrived. He sat down.
Suddenly Mary asked, «Do you love me?»

3. Аббревиатуры или сокращения:
G.M.T. or GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)
N.A.T.O. or NATO or Nato (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

4. Дни недели, месяцы, праздники:
Monday, Tuesday
January, February
Christmas, Easter

5. Страны, языки и национальности, религии:
China, France
Japanese, Russian
Christianity, Buddhism

6. Имена собственные и титулы:
Anthony, Ram, William Shakespeare
Professor Jones, Dr Smith, Mrs Anderson
Captain Kirk, King Henry VIII

7. Торговые марки, названия компаний, университетов и других организаций:
Pepsi Cola, Walkman
Microsoft Corporation, Toyota
the United Nations, the Red Cross
the Michigan University

8. Города, памятники, исторические названия:
London, Paris, the Latin Quarter
the Eiffel Tower, St Paul’s Cathedral
Buckingham Palace, the White House
Oxford Street, Fifth Avenue
the Battle of Waterloo

9. Названия книг, стихотворений, песен, пьес, кинофильмов и т.д.:
War And Peace
If, Futility
Like a Virgin
The Taming of the Shrew
The Lion King, Gone With The Wind

10. Иногда большие буквы используются для заглавий, названий статей, книг и проч., а также газетных заголовков:
Technical Specification on the Program

Упражнение на расстановку заглавных букв

(замените строчные буквы на заглавные там, где это необходимо):

Hi! my name is alicia. I live in hudson, wisconsin. It is a town of about 10000 people. I am 12. I go to the middle hudson school. I’m a student of the 6-th grade. I go to school on monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday. Saturday and sunday are days off. There are 5 people in my family. My dad’s name is williams, my mom’s name is annette. Andrew is my brother, lauren is my sister. I am interested in english, history. I like winter months: december, january and february because i can ski, skate. My favourite holidays are in winter too: christmas, new year, st. valentine’s day. After finishing school i am going to river falls university. I want to be a cartographer.

Ключ - открыть

Hi! My name is Alicia. I live in Hudson, Wisconsin. It is a town of about 10000 people. I am 12. I go to the Middle Hudson School. I am a student of the 6-th grade. I go to school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Saturday and Sunday are days off. There are 5 people in my family. My dad’s name is Williams, my mom’s name is Annette. Andrew is my brother. Lauren is my sister. I am interested in English, History. I like winter months: December, January and February, because I can ski, skate. My favourite holidays are in winter too: Christmas, New Year, St. Valentine’s day. After finishing school I am going to River Falls University. I want to be a cartographer.


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